5 Ways To Build More Confidence

We like to treat confidence as something that is nice to have instead of something that we gotta have. Go back and read that sentence again. Seriously, let it resonate. We see someone in class, at work or on social media and think to ourselves, “Oh that person is so confident. That must be nice. They’re so lucky.” And then we go on about our day and do nothing about it for ourselves. What’s wrong with this picture?

In the dictionary, confidence is literally defined as the state of being certain. It’s being certain that you can execute your capabilities to their fullest extent, certain about your qualities, and certain about the super rad human that you were made to be.

Confidence is the necessary spark before everything that follows. It’s the difference between being inspired and actually starting.

Developing confidence is an inside-out approach. You start by working on the inside...self talk, overcoming challenges, setting goals...and the result of these things shines through on the outside.

Here are some ways you can start developing that confidence muscle:

  1. Allow yourself to win ugly sometimes. This means doing your best at any given time, regardless of if things are going well or not. Overcoming adversity does tremendous things for your confidence! So, push through that mud, give it your all for that day and prove to yourself that you can get through the hard sh*t.

  2. Focus on error correction over dwelling on the negatives. Instead of telling yourself that you sucked in that workout or that you can’t achieve that goal, shift your focus to one thing you can improve on the next day. How can you be 1% better? What can you correct in how you move or how you complete a task next time? This perspective shift shows you that you can problem solve and have the capability to show up better for you.

  3. Self-talk is magic. Just as I mentioned in the goal setting post, your brain is fancy in that it is wired to “fetch” the thoughts that you throw out for it. If you tell yourself that you are progressing in your goals, chances are your brain is going to hunt for the things that day to prove that you are learning and growing. Start telling yourself sweet nothings daily and see the effects those words have on your confidence. You tell your loved ones how awesome they are, why can’t you be our own friend and do the same for yourself?

  4. You have the power of choice. You get to choose whether or not you have a good day from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed at night. Step into that power and choose to be confident, choose to talk to yourself kinder today, choose to stand a little taller, and choose to walk in like you own the place.

  5. Stepping stone goals lead you to confidence! Crossing another goal off your list is such an amazing feeling. Just like I mentioned in goal setting, having those smaller stepping stone goals that guide you to your bigger goal, help you see your progression sooner. By identifying the movement you’re making toward the bigger goal, you’ll feel accomplished and confident that you can keep going.

Stepping into your confidence is an adventure. Stay consistent in your efforts toward showing yourself how truly awesome you are. Once you find that momentum, you’ll be unstoppable.


Ready, Set, Goals. Goal setting for your next challenge.